Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I have always known that reading was VERY important but I never really took the time to recognize just how important that it is for children in elementary school. Since I started taking my reading classes for my degree plan I have seen teaching reading and the importance of reading in a whole new way. Reading is the first stepping stone in a child's life. If you cannot read you will struggle with writing and even speaking. As a future educator, I feel the need to encourage children to pick up a book once or twice a day and READ! You don’t even have to be a book. They can read magazines, comics, highlights, anything that will get their mind stimulated and word flowing out their mouth. Any type of reading is beneficial to the child.

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Reading programs in school are also very important. Every school should have at least one program promoting reading. If children see that others are interested in reading they are more likely to become avid readers. So ENCOURAGE any child you see to READ! 


  1. I think you hit one problem right on the head: parents often assume that if their son only wants to read comics or graphic novels or Sports Illustrated, he's not *really* reading, when those genres often have more complex sentence structure and vocabulary that young adult fiction.

  2. reading is FUNdamental thats why we as educators need to make sure that we remember to keep the kids interested in reading and find new ways so that they are encouraged to read
