Monday, September 24, 2012

My Professional Goals & Aspirations

Hey everyone! I’m Unique Winbush. I’m currently a junior at Prairie View A&M University. I’m a Interdisciplinary Studies major with a concentration in early childhood through sixth grade.

When I was in high school I never really knew what I wanted to do after graduation. Then my senior year I took a class called Ready, Set, Teach. In that class we observed and student thought a class throughout the school year. I grew to love the class, my students and the taught of even being a teacher. While taking that class I realized that my professional aspiration was to become a second grade teacher, but not just any second grade teacher: I want to become the teacher who gives her all to every single student no matter what.

My goals don’t just stop there! After about five years of teaching my best friend and I plan on opening a day care center. So my ultimate goal is to run an established and accredited day care facility. With every goal I have I know that I can achieve them no matter what. So be on the look out for me. 

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1 comment:

  1. It's kind of sad that so many of the students interviewed for the article are thinking they DON'T want to teach--better they know before they even start college, I guess?
