Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Today is the last day you can register to vote in this year’s election! No one cares about whom you’re voting for as long as you’re registered and exercising your right to vote. You may not think voting is very IMPORTANT but it is!  
Your vote is your voice. When we vote, we are actually telling elected officials and lawmakers how we feel about education, public safety, social security, health care, and other important issues.
EVERY vote counts and there is power in numbers. When we vote and get our family members to vote, and even our friends, we can truly make a difference. If you don’t vote for what you believe in, others will and you may not like the outcome.
 Voting changes the community.  When you look around in your neighborhood, do you ever wonder why it gets passed over for things it needs, while another seems to get it all? One big reason is VOTING! When we vote, we can get results that we can actually see. Voting is our chance to make a difference in our own lives and within the world.


  1. http://www.kinston.com/news/local/guest-column-why-us-why-now-why-vote-why-yes-1.26471

  2. I absolutely LOVE this entry!!!
    As a political science major, it's always awesome to see other students encouraging their peers to get out and make a difference.
