Sunday, October 21, 2012

Peaks and Valleys

I just started reading the new IRead program book, Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson.  Not too often do I actually take time out and sit down and read a book but this book is required for me to read in several of my classes this semester. As soon as I opened the book it grasped my attention and I could not put it down.  The book tells a story about a man who lives in a valley and wants to get to the peak but on his way up there he meets an old man who gives him advice on the peaks and valleys of life.
Peaks and Valleys can be used in our everyday life. As I was reading the book it made me realize that shifting our thinking about the ups and downs in our lives can change how long we dwell in the personal valleys or savor the personal peaks of life.
If you have not read this book you really should. There are tons of quotes and inspiration sayings for you think about and apply in your everyday life.
This is one of my favorite quotes from the book. 


  1. It sounds like a lot of folks in the College of Education are impressed with their iREAD selection this time around. The freshmen in CURR1013 are reading _Our Iceberg Is Melting_, about how to bring about positive change.

  2. Peaks and Valley's is a book that I really enjoyed the book because everyone has a time in there life where they are down and everyone has a moment where they are up and we share it with people.

  3. I was not required to read this book by any of my classes this semester. But after reading your bog, and seeing how is has affected you in a very positive way, I will get this book. Thank you for sharing!
