Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cultural Diversity

Teaching your students about cultural diversity is very important. Not every student is the same and children need to be taught that so they are aware. The goal is to help all students become respectful of the multitudes of cultures and people that they'll interact with daily.
To promote cultural diversity you could:
Provide students with an opportunity to share stories of their home life, such as family holiday practices, provides fellow students with a window into their peer's cultural traditions.
Show students everyday photographs of people of different ethnicity, shapes, sizes, and garb gives students the opportunity to see people that look very different from themselves and their family engaging in the same types of activities that they and their family participate
Welcome guest speakers into the class that hail from differing backgrounds and have all made a positive contribution to important fields can also help dispel any preconceived notions that students might possess about the relative competence and value of people from different cultures.
Here is more on cultural diversity!
Image from Microsoft image: http://bit.ly/YMnPw6

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